Monday, May 30, 2011

Phoenix Rising....

So it's been almost A YEAR since I've updated this blog. I intend to turn a new leaf and keep it up this time around....

For the past 10 months (with one more to go : / ) I've been utilizing my college degree and did what I did not want to do...teach. But, circumstances demanded it. I did not and could not find a job, my mother was pretty much supporting me and my options were slim. I was blessed to be able to find a position in the climate we're in as teachers. The downside is that ALL of my free time aka training time was taken up. I have done nothing career wise as an artist this year. The upside is much better though. I was able to pay my mom back, gain excellent insurance, save money again and learn the lay of the land. I no longer feel like a fish out of water here. I was able to prepare myself to come out this time around on top. I feel that I needed to go through those awesome 1st 4 1/2 months to see that I wanted to do this and the last month and half to go through the hardships. I have a better idea of what to expect and how to go about getting it. I am much better at prioritizing money (although I am still a bit of a shopaholic) and I know now that a survival job is just that, and I should be open to a broader range of work if I want to pay the bills and do what I love.
As the school year is ending and I'm about to actively pursue my dreams again, I've come to realize that it's not enough to WANT it. I've got to FIGHT harder, WORK harder, and PUSH harder than I ever have in my life. To be away from Cameron, my family, friends, and the lifestyle that I utterly love in Texas, I have no other choice but to succeed to warrant it. I look forward to the next chapter in my life as I rise like the phoenix , brush off the ashes and fly to my goals, my dreams and my destiny!