Friday, April 16, 2010

My 1st month in NY Update

So I have been in New York for a month and a half now. So far my progress is acceptable. I can be hard on myself when it comes to pushing myself to succeed simply because I know how lazy I can get and how much I love to procrastinate. However, since being in NY, I haven't really found myself doing the things I used to do in Houston. I  have been auditioning and improving my networking skills. I make sure that by the end of each week, I have filled my calendar with classes and auditions. I don't spend all day shopping with money that could be put to better use somewhere else, i.e classes, voice lessons, RENT, lol.  I guess it's because I've been talking about focusing on my career and getting somewhere for so long, it's now time to "put up or shut up". I have no excuse now. The sky is the limit!

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