Sunday, March 21, 2010

Actress Revelation: Working with Other Actors

Seems like a pretty basic concept? Well, in my case it wasn't. It's been awhile since I've acted professionally. So when I came back to the stage as an actress, it didn't dawn on me that I'd have to readjust. As a dancer, I learn steps and perform them to the best of my ability. Of course character and emotion are still apart of dance, but to a certain extent. I recently approached a show thinking that I'd be surrounded by actors who thought and processed information just like me. Who would interpret the script like me, learn lines like me and we'd all be one happy family with no problems. WRONG. After every rehearsal I would complain about how things weren't progressing at the pace I would like and how some people were making choices that just didn't make sense. Ridiculous right? That's when I started to realize a very important factor. From the cast members who can't seem to learn lines to the member whose EVERY acting choice seems to rub you the wrong way, we actors are unique and have many layers. I can not expect everyone to have the same thought processes as me, because they are not me. The truthfulness that comes about when different personalities come together to form an ensemble is one of the main things that make theatre a real experience. I will approach every rehearsal with this information and be more sensitive to an actor's right to explore THEIR OWN character. Nevertheless, in true "Ashley fashion", I believe it is also fair for me and any other actor to question and challenge a cast mate's choice, especially since they ultimately affect the heart of the ensemble. Hmm, what do the rest of you actors think?

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